
June 5, 2007
The Power of Dynamic Warehousing Webcast

See how the new IBM DB2 Warehouse offers unprecedented simplification in the deployment, integration and maintenance of a data warehouse; more details

Software Vendor Audit

Is your installed software in compliance?

Companies today don’t have the ability to manage hundreds of software products running on various large LPAR’s. SSG is here to help!

We act as an extension of your software asset management team to help you better manage your software asset inventory and ensure that you are cost-efficient in your practices.

The SSG Software Vendor Audit helps you:

  • Ensure proper deployment of software licenses to correspond with software license agreements
  • Discover any unused software licenses and maximize their value
  • Best utilize existing software licenses
  • Improve accountability and compliance
  • Determine if any maintenance costs could be reduced or eliminated with the identification of unused products
  • Have a complete documentation of software vendor license types and map them to their respective Application, Application/Server Configuration, user and location
  • Evaluate existing in-house software license management tools for effectiveness
  • Examine software vendor license management practices and document potential shortfalls or gaps

Examples of software vendors that our service professionals have performed software vendor audits for include Oracle, Computer Associates, IBM, Microsoft, Sybase and more.

To find out how SSG can help your organization, Click Here to speak with an SSG representative.

