June 5, 2007
The Power of Dynamic Warehousing Webcast
See how the new IBM DB2 Warehouse offers unprecedented simplification in the deployment, integration and maintenance of a data warehouse; more details
Software Asset Management Overview
Software Asset Management (SAM) is the vital process of effectively managing all the software assets in the enterprise to maximize your current software investments and minimizing any future software expenditures. To do so, complete entitlement must be validated and usage, on all platforms, must be completely discovered, detailed and mapped. When done correctly, your enterprise can exercise corporate governance for software compliance while ensuring that your on-going software costs are minimized.
Our Service
SSG is proud to have the most knowledgeable and experienced SAM experts in the industry. Our team has successfully completed over 40 customer engagements during the past 12 years.
Expertise that only SSG can offer...
While there exists a number of adequate tools that provide for discovery and tracking of software assets on WinTel, there’s no silver bullet today that allows a customer to accurately determine usage requirements in the UNIX environment. Scores of applications accessing sometimes thousands of databases across a vast number of servers creates a complexity that requires a high-level of expertise to perform true SAM -- expertise that only SSG can offer!
Reduced risk and software compliance
We perform complete usage discovery and mapping, while allocating your software assets for optimal cost efficiency. Our SAM services also support your risk management procedures and software compliance policies.
Increase the value of existing SAM tools
If you have existing SAM tools, our service increases their value by supplying them the accurate usage information they require to perform more effectively.