
June 5, 2007
The Power of Dynamic Warehousing Webcast

See how the new IBM DB2 Warehouse offers unprecedented simplification in the deployment, integration and maintenance of a data warehouse; more details

Database License Usage Analysis Customer Case

Client Situation:

A large financial institution with multiple data centers, large mainframe processors, various platforms and a very high number of application and database users.

Situation Summary:

  • The company was unaware of the number of database licenses required for its current data processing needs
  • The company was unaware of its total number of database instances or how to provide adequate discovery
  • A third-party software vendor was threatening an audit to uncover a perceived deficit of required database licenses
  • The company was unaware of its database user entitlements or actual number of named and concurrent users
  • The company was unaware of its total database entitlement through a history of purchases and mergers, including embedded licenses from third-party vendor applications
  • The company had no methodology to ensure on-demand accurate database license requirements going forward

What SSG Accomplished with Database Usage Analysis Methodology:

  • Enhanced current scripts to provide complete discovery of instances and installed options
  • Established links within the company to match database instances with their corresponding hardware configurations
  • Established a baseline entitlement of database licenses according to license type
  • Mapped and reallocated database licenses to more accurately reflect how the company was using their licenses in their unique environment

Results and Benefits:

  • Effectively minimized a perceived substantial shortfall in database licenses providing over one million dollars in savings
  • Provided hardware consolidation recommendations to save the company over one million with implementation
  • Created a methodology for the company to obtain on-demand database server and user requirements
  • Provided company with ten environment-specific recommendations worth millions of dollars in savings
  • Helped to established a different data flow process to avoid licensing costs
