
June 5, 2007
The Power of Dynamic Warehousing Webcast

See how the new IBM DB2 Warehouse offers unprecedented simplification in the deployment, integration and maintenance of a data warehouse; more details

Information Management Services

The Challenge

The need to access, transform, integrate, and deliver data represents a significant mandate and a difficult challenge for enterprises today. Limited access to poor-quality data is proving to be a chronic problem for most companies today as they struggle with inflexible architectures that aren’t highly adaptable to meet the challenges of providing the right data to the right person at the right time. Unfortunately, most companies can’t rely on in-house resources to properly address the challenge.

How We Can Help

SSG service professionals for data integration average 15+ years of experience and we use industry leading techniques and solutions. Our goal is to transform your data into a strategic asset and a competitive advantage as you move towards a single version of the truth for the enterprise.


Benefits to having a data integration strategy implemented include improved business processes, higher employee productivity, improved customer satisfaction, improved innovation, improved decision-making and reduced costs.

Some additional data integration services we provide include:

  • Installation of all IBM DBMSs
  • Performance tuning for DB2 and IMS
  • Migration from earlier versions of IMS or DB2 to a current version
  • Migration from non-IBM databases to IBM
  • Logical and physical database design
  • Setting up backup and recovery procedures
  • Design and implement an effective sysplex data sharing strategy
  • Assistance in helping determine which database is best fit for customer and implementing
  • Creation and implementation of an effective data replication strategy
  • Creation and implementation of an effective Records and Content Management strategy
  • Implementation of an effective database standby or high availability solution
  • Creation and implementation of a data virtualization strategy: Making all customer data, IBM and non-IBM, relational and non-relational- look and access as if a single data base
  • Assistance in moving to an effective XML implementation
  • Connecting web-users to a database

To find out how SSG can help your organization, Click Here to speak with an SSG representative.

