
June 5, 2007
The Power of Dynamic Warehousing Webcast

See how the new IBM DB2 Warehouse offers unprecedented simplification in the deployment, integration and maintenance of a data warehouse; more details

Database License Usage Analysis

Are your database licenses in compliance? Would you like to ONLY pay for what you need?

As software vendor product offerings and connectivity increases in today’s data center, the task of determining the requirements for database licensing is becoming increasingly complex. Factors such as changes in hardware and an explosion of web-enabled applications have made accounting for a proper number of database licenses and users virtually impossible.

Unfortunately, in the Unix environment especially, there are limited tools available to provide a silver bullet to solve the problem! SSG has a proven service methodology to solve the problem and provide you with a mechanism to always know exactly what you use and allow you to pay only for what you need!

What our Database License Usage Analysis provides you:

  • Accurate discovery of your current database user requirements for all database vendors
  • Processes to obtain future database user requirements at any given time
  • A mechanism to better integrate hardware platforms with database instances
  • Accurate mapping of database instances, users and software vendor requirements

Benefits of our service:

  • The ability to run the data center more efficiently
  • Help to avoid vendor audits
  • Better cost management for database licensing
  • More accurate plan for future database license expenditures
  • The ability to ensure conformance with installed software database vendors
  • Improved processes and the identification of problem areas detrimental to database license usage accounting
  • More cost efficient license deployment and allocation

The time to complete a Database License Usage Analysis varies.

To find out how SSG can help your organization, Click Here to speak with an SSG representative.

